Frederick Scott Archer's grave

His grave is to be found in Kensal Green Cemetery in London.

In 2001 to honour his memory and to mark the 150th. anniversary of his publication of the wet collodion process in 1851, I laid a wreath on his unmarked grave.

A wet collodion whole plate negative was made to record this event.



In this print his grave can be seen just to the right of the leaning stone, it's actual position is indicated by the wreath of white flowers.

Unfortunately the photographic establisment in England consistently ignored both the above anniversary and the 150th. anniversary of his death in 2007.

The only notable recognition given was by Mark Osterman and George Eastman House in New York, who organised a symposium and exhibition in September 2001.

It is a tragedy that over a 150 years had to pass before Frederick's grave received a marker.

This has now happened, thanks to the efforts of The Collodion Collective, who unveiled a marker on the 1st. of May 2010, the original memorial stone was also discovered and reinstated.




The marker installed by The Collodion Collective


The restored original memorial stone


Mark Osterman viewing the restored memorial


Both Mark and I were very pleased to see the marker and the restored memorial stone.

The text and the illustrations on this site are the copyright (2001) of Seán MacKenna, and the use of any of this material without prior permission is strictly forbidden.

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